Insomniac Café

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After Joanna Hunter leaves her fiance at the altar, her parents send her to an intensive program for failing adults. Bronwenn School for Insomniacs isn't like any normal college. Its attendees move zombie-like through simulated life scenarios, pretending to date, work, and socialize in an unreal New York City. It's not safe to walk the halls during class. There's nowhere to escape. And an unseen audience laughs at their every move.


Joanna and five friends must obey Bronwenn's unwritten rules or risk punishment that turns the liminal hallways into a nightmare hellscape. They'll be mutilated if they fail to comply. But the price for conformity is their entire lives.


"Insomniac Cafe" is a 90,000-word horror novel. Fans of "Maeve Fly," "Camp Damascus," and "The Final Girls Support Group" will love to dread this parody of American sitcoms.

Other books by SM Reine

About the author

SM Reine

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