The Ovenlight Saga: Baking Dough: Part 1

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About the author

Stefanie Mellor

Stefanie grew up in the dry, desert plains of west Texas in the Midland/Odessa area and for the last few years has lived in the piney, coastal woods near Houston, Texas, 
Pizza is and always has been Stefanie’s favorite food. 
She initially planned to release the entire story of "The Ovenlight Saga: Baking Dough - Part 1"  in May of 2021, but a serious health issue showed up and she was diagnosed with endometrial cancer . As a result, the Ovenlight Saga was split into 2 parts, Baking Dough - Part 1 and 2. and part 1 has been published in both ebook and paperback as of November 2023.  You can read more about her cancer journey at