Atticus & The Orb Of Time

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About the author

M.K. Drake

Born in Birmingham in the United Kingdom, but living most of his life in the town of Luton. A multi-cultural populace not too far from the capital, London.

M.K. Drake grew up as a huge comic book fan. This has influenced his writing style greatly.

A love of travel has taken M.K. Drake to many points around the globe, from the East in Singapore, all the way to the West in Seattle.

He has a love of the Middle East and North Africa, which is noticeable in some of the locations chosen for his stories. As well as a great respect for the various mythologies that touch so many cultures  (his favourite most definitely being Norse), he also has a great passion about reflecting the diversity he sees every day, and believes strongly that these things that makes us so different, are what makes us all so amazing.

Often asked what his motivations were to start writing, his simple reply, "For the love of telling stories. For the joy it brings young minds, creating worlds in their amazing and colourful imaginations. And most importantly, to inspire as many as possible to pick up a pen themselves."

And that is probably all you need to know about M.K. Drake, apart from the only things he loves more than writing, are his wife and children. He often muses how some of his story ideas spark into life from the ones he tells his young ones while putting them to bed. One probably needs no greater seal of approval than that.