Our planet is in your hands: The time for change is now

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It is no secret that our planet is changing, rising sea levels, the extinction of animal species, storms that destroy everything in its path and droughts that are here to stay. We have all heard of climate change, how serious it is and that within the next ten years the changes will become irreversible and catastrophic. But what no one tells you is how you can change without spending tens of thousands of dollars, most people don't have the money for water tanks, solar panels of hybrid cars. What about all of us who want to help, stop climate change but are held back because of financial reasons? This book will guide you through a series of changes that will help reduce you and your family's effect on the environment AND it won't cost you money to do it making these changes will regularly save your household over $15,000 a year. It is not too late to make a change, to save the earth and everything in it, from this moment on, our planet is in your hands.

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