Massa’s White Supremacist Discourse of West Indian Negro Slavery Deconstructed Volume 2

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The Volume 2 is a deconstruction of the work of four writers of the period, the late eighteenth century to the 1830's of the nineteenth century, who all wrote on African enslavement in the West Indies.  All four writers adhere to the discourse of white supremacy, with three of them ardent supporters of African enslavement and one an ardent anti-slavery abolitionist. This work places specific emphasis on how all four white supremacists constitute, view and react to threats to white supremacy in the West Indies in the period in which they wrote. This specific emphasis then enables an understanding of the manner the discourse of white supremacy in its West Indian genesis and development constitutes and reacts to threats posed by non-white races. So vitally relevant to understanding the hegemonic 21st discourse of white supremacy which is driving the response of the North Atlantic to the grave threats to its white hegemony it now perceives.

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About the author

Daurius Figueira

Daurius Figueira studies the power relations of the illicit druug trade, human smuggling and the small arms trade in the Caribbean basin. He also specialises in the study of Islamic extremism and white extremism. These studies are carried out in the context of a rejection of the enlightenment and its discourses of truth. He has published 13 e-books.