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M.R. Stibbons
Marvin Ronald Stibbons was born February the 14th, 1980. He lives and works in Qasigiannguit, Greenland, where he owns a very successful seal-milk firm. He is also a volunteer in the country's most prominent Wildlife Preservation Initiative, helping polar bears with sleeping disorders during the arctic winter season. He is a graduate of archaeology from the University of Ouagadougou, in Burkina Faso, and has also bought online a PhD in literature for just 99.99 USD. The principality of Sealand has awarded him a Knighthood and he has been deemed worthy to receive the sacrament of ordination as a minister of the Universal Life Church, via e-mail. He writes porn (a.k.a. erotica) and risks being branded a pervert for your reading pleasure. Which technically makes him a hero of sorts.