Will Kearny reckons he has a job for working life, ramrodding iron-willed Pete Thwaites' Rocking T outfit. But after winning a bruising fight with the brutish troublemaker “Bull“ Jusserand, Kearny is dealt an inexplicable blow.
Old Pete abruptly quits the struggle for survival and sells out to his sworn enemy — Jusserand's boss, the range hog Franz Sturman, ruthless and immoral owner of the Arrowhead spread.
Mystery deepens when Seabury Reece, Sturman's tricky lawyer, traps Kearny into riding herd over a “cargo of brides“ from back East. What is the secret of lovely Christine Smith, the sad-eyed, odd girl out among what proves to be a hell-raising bevy of fallen women?
Before Kearny finds the answers, he has to make room in his full hands for a roaring six-shooter!