Frontier Brides

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Will Kearny reckons he has a job for working life, ramrodding iron-willed Pete Thwaites' Rocking T outfit. But after winning a bruising fight with the brutish troublemaker “Bull“ Jusserand, Kearny is dealt an inexplicable blow.

Old Pete abruptly quits the struggle for survival and sells out to his sworn enemy — Jusserand's boss, the range hog Franz Sturman, ruthless and immoral owner of the Arrowhead spread.

Mystery deepens when Seabury Reece, Sturman's tricky lawyer, traps Kearny into riding herd over a “cargo of brides“ from back East. What is the secret of lovely Christine Smith, the sad-eyed, odd girl out among what proves to be a hell-raising bevy of fallen women?

Before Kearny finds the answers, he has to make room in his full hands for a roaring six-shooter!

Other books by Chap O'Keefe

About the author

Chap O'Keefe

From New York Times bestselling author James Reasoner:

When it comes to popular fiction, Keith Chapman is something of a treasure. He’s a long-time reader and commenter on this blog [Rough Edges], of course, but beyond that he’s a writer and editor whose career stretches back 60-some-odd years, to the days of Sexton Blake and EDGAR WALLACE MYSTERY MAGAZINE, of which he was the founding editor. Over the years he has also been a prolific author of fine Western novels under the pseudonym Chap O’Keefe, many of them published originally as Black Horse Westerns by Robert Hale. The good news for Western readers is that quite a few of those novels are available again as e-books, and more are in the works …  As you’d expect from his background, Chapman is an excellent yarn-spinner and storyteller. He writes books that are just plain fun to read, and A GUNFIGHT TOO MANY is no exception. The action moves along at a good pace and Sam Hammond is a really likable protagonist. The villains are properly despicable, as they need to be in a book like this. I had a fine time reading this novel and think most traditional Western fans would agree. The e-book edition is available on several platforms, which you can find here …  Keith Chapman is working in a legendary tradition.