Roadhouse Mystery

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About the author

Noelene Jenkinson

As a child, I was always creating and scribbling. The first typewriter I used was an old black Remington in an agricultural farming office where my father worked. I typed letters to my mother and took them home.
These days, I still sometimes write my first drafts in longhand on plain old A4 lined notepads, which I then type up and begin the editing process. I always rewrite as I go but am now mostly putting my stories directly into my laptop, although the early planning and plotting process is mostly in notepads and on scraps of paper.
I guess I'm a romantic at heart, always believing that any couple I write about are soul mates and will be together forever.
While my husband and I have been fortunate enough to have extensively travelled, I have lived my whole life in the Wimmera wheat belt plains of Victoria, Australia. I have two daughters and five grandchildren.
I live on acreage in a passive solar designed home, surrounded by an Australian native bush garden. When I'm not in my office writing (yes, I have a room to myself with a door - every author's dream), I'm a prolific reader, love travelling, crocheting rugs and playing electronic keyboard.