The Accidental Filmmaker

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About the author

Beverley Scherberger

Beverley Scherberger was born January 21, 1955, in Ohio, but her family moved to NW Pennsylvania when she was only two. She jokingly says, "I was born in the Midwest in January and never got warm until I moved to Arizona at the age of 44."

A sixth-grade English teacher introduced her to the joys of writing short stories and it was a "love affair with words" that blossomed over time.

She attended Miami University of Ohio at 39 and enjoyed getting back to academia. Graduating Summa cum Laude in 1999, she promptly fled the cold Midwest winters and settled in Sedona, Arizona, where she lived for the next 13 years.

Over 220 published articles later, Beverley has moved from writing non-fiction pieces to the type of writing that she loves to read: fiction. An avid scuba diver, all four of her action/adventure books contain diving mishaps and morph into something more.

"STRANDED" is a full-length novel that began as a short story. Beverley says, "I hadn't intended to write a book. It just happened. When a story needs to be told, it finds a way."

Her favorite parts of speech are adjectives and verbs. She uses them like artists use pigments and brushes, painting a picture the reader can clearly see. In fact, her goal is to describe scenes so vividly that later, a reader can't recall whether he read the book or saw the movie.

She currently resides in Cotacachi, Ecuador, with her beloved cat Squeak.