The Breath of Heaven: Stories from Distant Worlds

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This sampler pack brings together three stories by award-winning author Nancy Fulda. From an isolated telepath who flees her destiny to a sentient computer struggling to behave ethically, this 80 page collection revisits questions initially posed by Asimov and Clarke, and casts the HAL 9000 story in an intriguing new light.

Nancy Fulda is a 2012 Hugo and Nebula nominee, a Phobos Award winner, and a Jim Baen Memorial Award recipient. Her work spans the field from hard science fiction to whimsical space adventure, with occasional forays into heroic fantasy. Visit her website at

Other books by Nancy Fulda

About the author

Nancy Fulda

Nancy Fulda is a Phobos Award Winner, a Vera Hickley Mayhew Award Recipient, and has been honored by Baen Books and the National Space Society for her writing. She studied artificial intelligence at Brigham Young University and is the mother of three children.