The Truth Undiscovered

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A prequel to The Golden City

Before she arrived in the Golden City, the infante's aunt—known only as The Lady—sought out a group of specialists from among the most powerful witches in the world.


Inspector Miguel Gaspar of Cabo Verde held the distinction of being the only Meter known to exist—a witch who could simply gaze at others and see what powers they held. Inspector Gabriel Anjos of Brazil was the strongest Truthsayer known to the Jesuits, and Nadezhda Vladimirova, one of the most powerful healers. Except… Gaspar was a mestiço, Anjos was dying, and Vladimirova was already dead.


And the Lady herself was a bit of a mystery, a woman of unclear origin with an aversion to steel and church bells, one who wore no name.

Her job is to weld the four of them into a team that can investigate the Special Police of Northern Portugal. However, they must first deal with demons, hunt for an assassin, and break a prison not meant for mankind…

The Golden City

About the author

J. Kathleen Cheney

J. Kathleen Cheney taught mathematics ranging from 7th grade to Calculus, but gave it all up for a chance to write stories. Her novella “Iron Shoes” was a 2010 Nebula Award Finalist. Her novel, The Golden City was a Finalist for the 2014 Locus Awards (Best First Novel). Dreaming Death (Feb 2016) is the first in a new world, with the books of The Horn coming out in 2017, and the books of The King’s Daughter and sequels to Dreaming Death in 2018/2019