I hit Death with my car and almost killed him. Seriously, you would think supernatural beings could cross roads safely and not step in front of cars. Luckily for me, I can't kill Death. The guy was unharmed but unimpressed—and strangely attractive in a rain-soaked, not-dead way. But I have a horrible feeling Death followed me. I discover why when my stalker Death introduces me to three other friends who're looking for me too. Guess who they are? When Heath, Joss, Xander and Ewan inform me they're the Four Horsemen, I know they're not lying because nobody can lie to me. Even worse, I can't lie at all and I've no idea why—I swear my parents cursed me when they named me Verity. Needless to say, none of this helps my social life. Social life? Gone. I'm now helping my four dark and dangerous new companions police the supernatural world. This wasn't how I predicted my life, but pursuing demons, vampires and fae is a hell of a lot more interesting than my boring job in tech support. I leave my old life to move in with my smorgasbord of gorgeous guys and that's where the trouble starts. There's a weird bond between us all—broody Heath, gentle Joss, arrogant Xander, and the enigmatic Ewan who watches me with suspicion. I'm a little concerned by the whole 'Four Horsemen and the Apocalypse' scenario and exactly where I fit in. Something big threatens the world and our connection takes hold in a strange but not entirely unpleasant way. Who wouldn't want to be the centre of four guys' world? My bond with the Four Horsemen is about to become complicated on oh-so-many levels. Have you discovered the Four Horsemen series? Prepare to follow the lives of Vee and the Four Horsemen through addictive books filled with action, paranormal suspense and magic. Start the series with Legacy and discover why readers have fallen in love with the books—and the Horsemen! The urban fantasy RH series contains strong language, slow burns to steamy scenes, and has a kickass heroine with four guys who'll do anything for the girl who's the centre of their world. Please note: This book is written in British English and contains spelling, idiom and grammar which may appear incorrect to some readers. The Four Horsemen series is complete and was an Amazon Top 100 bestseller.