A secretive spy. A reluctant suitor. A sinister plot.
Margret Medallan longs to free her family from the clutches of a vile society, but cutting ties with her master would be a fatal mistake. Desperate, Margret reluctantly agrees to a fake engagement with a banished goblin prince, hoping to save her sisters from enslavement and possible death.
Kora Daemon can't go home unless he rights the wrongs of his past and completes a dangerous, hopeless mission. But when he finds himself bound to a lovely but reluctant spy, the line between right and wrong blurs dangerously. Because now the city of Nestra balances on the edge of a knifeā¦and one wrong move could destroy them all.
Will these lovestruck enemies put aside their differences or will they fall prey to a deadly enemy?
Subtly inspired by Twelve Dancing Princesses, Songbender is sure to enthrall if you love the twists of Caraval and the action of Throne of Glass. Grab this angsty romantic fantasy with stolen kisses, witty banter, and twisty turns.