Mirror-Pain Synesthesia: My Understanding and Coping with a Rare Condition

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About the author

P D Groesbeek

At the age of 40, I had to realize what a mess I made of my life, I had to quit my addictions and work at becoming a sober-minded person. As hard as it was, I fought to stop blaming all my own mistakes on others and decided to show up for myself. I had to take my eyes off my past and I had to look at the chance of a future, Of all the things I accomplished, quitting drugs was my biggest. I spend every day working on myself and getting to know my emotions, and even more than that, I am learning to understand how my emotions work and where it comes from. Taking power back is to let go of what is holding you back, more often than not, we are the ones holding onto our past and our pain. Forgive them, forgive yourself, that is when you become free, that is when you are able to transcend and master your emotions.