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This is a collection of five intense short stories.

In "Desecration," only a god could walk forever without leaving anything behind or approaching anything else. But how? And why?

In "Barbecue," two buddies on a camping trip in a remote desert location. A town full of women nearby. Fantasies abound. But is it all fantasy? Or is some of it sheer terror? Come along for a surprise.

On "The Day They Came," there had been an alien invasion. Freedom fighters were caught and held in a rainy, drizzly prison. To wait. But for what?

In "Exotic," a meek, mild accountant from Cleveland finally, finally gets a break when he lands a big client for his firm. But he gets an even bigger one when he gets to Louisiana.

And in "Sanctioned" the reader is drawn into a seventh-floor walkup. About fifteen minutes before midnight, the telephone rings. The gentleman in the apartment is annoyed, waiting for his favorite state-sanctioned program to come on television at midnight. But this is a phone call that will change his life. Or maybe give it back.

Other books by Harvey Stanbrough

About the author

Harvey Stanbrough

Harvey Stanbrough was born in New Mexico, seasoned in Texas and baked in Arizona. For a time, he wrote under five personas and several pseudonyms, but he takes a pill for that now and writes only under his own name. Mostly.

Harvey is an award-winning writer who follows Heinlein’s Rules avidly. He has written and published over 100 novels, 10 novellas, and over 270 short stories. He has also written 18 nonfiction books on writing, 8 of which are free to other writers. And he’s compiled and published 27 collections of short fiction and 5 critically acclaimed poetry collections.

These days, the vendors through which Harvey licenses his works do not allow URLs in the back matter. To see his other works, please key “StoneThread Publishing” or “Harvey Stanbrough” into your favorite search engine.

Finally, for his best advice on writing, look for “The New Daily Journal | Harvey Stanbrough | Substack.”