This is a collection of five intense short stories.
In "Desecration," only a god could walk forever without leaving anything behind or approaching anything else. But how? And why?
In "Barbecue," two buddies on a camping trip in a remote desert location. A town full of women nearby. Fantasies abound. But is it all fantasy? Or is some of it sheer terror? Come along for a surprise.
On "The Day They Came," there had been an alien invasion. Freedom fighters were caught and held in a rainy, drizzly prison. To wait. But for what?
In "Exotic," a meek, mild accountant from Cleveland finally, finally gets a break when he lands a big client for his firm. But he gets an even bigger one when he gets to Louisiana.
And in "Sanctioned" the reader is drawn into a seventh-floor walkup. About fifteen minutes before midnight, the telephone rings. The gentleman in the apartment is annoyed, waiting for his favorite state-sanctioned program to come on television at midnight. But this is a phone call that will change his life. Or maybe give it back.