Lesson Plans Ahoy: Hands-on Learning for Sailing Children and Home Schooling Sailors

See more by Nadine Slavinski

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Set sail on an educational adventure for the whole family! Whether you're setting off on a summer cruise, crossing an ocean, or committing to a year or more of home schooling, Lesson Plans Ahoy will make learning relevant and enjoyable. Lesson Plans Ahoy (third edition) includes detailed instructions for ten units, all designed to be fun, practical, and relevant. Each includes details on age-appropriate adaptations for ages 4-12. Dive into an educational adventure with each new chapter, including: Science (model the lunar cycle, dissect a fish, and try chemistry) Math (graph resource use and study geometry) Writing (develop journal, non-fiction, and creative writing skills) History (bring the voyages of Columbus and Captain Cook to life) Navigation (compass use, hands-on mapping, and more)Physical Education (study heart rate and exercise).Lesson Plans Ahoy also includes tips for cross-curricular links and enrichment, suggested resources to support learning, and materials required (selected for practicality). There is also an extensive section on the How-To's of home schooling on a boat, from choosing a program, to designing your own curriculum, and keeping students motivated. An appendix links the units in the book to national and state curricula of the United States, United Kingdom, Australia, and Canada, so that home schooling students can keep pace with expectations in their home systems. Helping children learn at sea - and even home schooling - is something any sailing parent can do with the help of this one-of-a-kind guide! "It's amazing! There's a whole lot more packed in this 267-page book, and I strongly recommend all 'boat schooling' families check out this valuable resource!" - Good Old Boat Magazine "Lesson Plans Ahoy would be a great supplement to anybody who is customizing a curriculum for their children, or even as a supplement to a structured program. I am impressed with its thoroughness." - Tania Aebi, solo circumnavigator and home schooling parent