Earth's Survivors: Alabama Island

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The Earth's Survivors books follow a series oif different survivors as they awaken to the destruction of the Earth and begin to pick up what is left of their lives. This is the first book to center on the Alabama Island survivors. Set in the former state of Alabama, it begins in New York and makes its way there via the ruined roads and fields...


Joel and Haley

They both stopped short as they topped the small hill at the crest of Main Street and stared down at the downtown area on the other side of the river.

It appeared to be more of a war zone than a city. The buildings that were still standing leaned crazily to the left or right and only the tallest seemed to have been as yet untouched. Haley wondered aloud at that.

"The taller ones are not that old. Built with federal monies. Earthquake proof.... To an extent: When I was a kid the tallest building was the Baptist church tower." He pointed to a gray stone spire that reached into the air.

There was a small crowd of people milling around in the center of what had been the Public Square.

"It looks bad to me" Joel said softly. He pointed. "City police building?" He met her eyes with his own. "Gone... There should be thousands of people down there..."

Haley shook her head. "Ought to go down." She looked up to see what he thought about it.

Tiny people walked aimlessly around the square or stood seemingly transfixed by the huge gray spire of rock that capped the State Street end of the square. The sight of the people broke the spell. Joel nodded once and they began the walk down the hill.

They stopped and looked over the bridge that crossed the Black River. It seemed fine almost untouched. It was so strange a sight that Joel laughed.

"What?" Haley asked.

"Doesn't it seem strange to you? Everything destroyed and the bridge sitting here untouched?" He looked from side to side before he stepped out on the steel decking and began to walk. As they neared the other side they could see that there was a crack that ran from side to side and the road dropped down more than a foot. They leapt easily down.


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