Biblical Life Coach for Personal & Spiritual Achievement

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About the author

Kit Lan Lo


Doctorate in Clinical Psychology

MS in Financial Engineering

MS in Chemical Engineering

BEng in Chemcial Engineering

Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist

Certified Practitioner of NLP

"After graduating from Columbia University with a master’s degree in Financial Engineering, I started my career in the competitive and lucrative financial industry. I had made hundreds of thousands of dollars by the age of 30. However, I was not happy. I started to question myself, “What is the goal of my life?” I have tried many methods, including meditation, hypnosis, reading self-help books, etc. and finally I found my passion in psychology. I returned to school to get a doctorate degree in clinical psychology and switched my career from a banker to a successful psychotherapist providing counseling services to diverse populations and helping them to learn strategies for achieving personal and spiritual goals."