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Laurie Culley
I was born and raised in a loving family home in Liverpool, UK. My hobbies and interests are Liverpool FC, the Kings’ Regiment, poetry, horticulture, landscape garden design, cinema with friends and family, nature & the outdoors. I have written poetry for as long as I can remember. I’m a deeply spiritual man, a man of faith, and poetry allows me to access the heights and depths I encounter in life & being. My work is mainly inspired by my journey through life, and its’ joys and pains. My personal battle with addiction and hopes for a lasting recovery feature prominently in this anthology
My faith in Christ and my journey to understand and better myself in life has very much influenced the man I am and my love of verse. I find a great sense of purpose in completing a poem that has captured a moment, or moments, in time, to my personal satisfaction. I can be very critical of my own work and it is a joy to take on the challenge of self. I thoroughly enjoy playing with words and rhyme . I have what I would call, a contemporary, free flowing style of verse, and I try not to attach any or too much regulation to my work. Life and the world around me offer a constant stream of inspiration and I try to capture as much of it as I can. I’m 47 years old, have served in the British army in my earlier life, and now enjoy the peace and reflection that can be found in horticulture.
I have seen and lived through many different life experiences and can say I’ve lived a full life thus far. I would like to be remembered firstly, for my devotion and commitment as a father; a good family member and friend, a gifted poet, a lover of life and people and a man who has conquered and strives to conquer more.