The Safe Bet! Part Deux: The [2020] 2024 Presidential Case for [Joe Biden]: A Brilliant Campaign and [Forty-Seven] Fifty-One Years of Unparalleled Dedication to the American People: Ultimate Pat Ed.

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In his sequel to The Safe Bet (2020), The Safe Bet! Part Deux, Dr. Ventureyra provides a thorough analysis of the successes of Joe Biden's original 2020 campaign, his tenure as president from 2021-2024, and his brilliant 2024 campaign, one that was brought to an abrupt end by a moment of transcendent-like clarity and immeasurable heroism, paving the way for Kamala Harris's ascent! Indeed, we must say we are with her! If only we knew what "her" meant. In any case, hopefully, they can save democracy from the big bad orange man!

The book also delves deep into the fruits of Biden's 51-year political career and his battle for all Americans, but questions still loom regarding the content of his son Hunter Biden's laptop, the whereabouts of his daughter Ashley's private diary, the reasons for his sniffing of women and children's hair, and much more! Readers may have to fill in the blanks as the evidence rolls in.

Other books by Scott D. G. Ventureyra