Rise Above Embracing the Samurai Spirit for Resilience

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About the author

Tha Samurai

Meet Tha Samurai, author of "Rise Above: Embracing the Samurai Spirit for Resilience." A survivor of a traumatic event that led to the loss of his parents and growing up in foster care, Tha Samurai has fought through sickness with Sickle Cell Anemia. He discovered that the way of the samurai can be a source of inspiration and guidance in his journey towards healing. With a Master's degree in business and psychology, Tha Samurai has put his education to use by starting a non-profit organization to provide clean water to underprivileged communities. He is also a martial arts enthusiast, holding black belts in Muay Thai, Tai Chi, and Kenjutsu. When not writing, Tha Samurai can be found traveling the world on business trips with his family. His passion for self-improvement, resilience and the samurai spirit are evident in his work and he hopes to inspire others to live their best life through his book.