Whistle Creek Cupid

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About the author

Savannah Rose

Savannah Rose grew up in a small town in Alabama along with two older sisters, one older brother, and an identical twin sister (who will announce to the world until her last breath…she is the baby of the family). Summers were spent mostly with her “country” grandparents, helping in the gardens, tromping through the woods, or swimming in the homemade (yes, it was cement) swimming pool her grandpa so lovingly constructed to keep all his grandkids busy. She learned from her parents that no matter how much or how little you have family should always come first. And her “city” grandmother taught her what every proper Southern lady should know…if you do nothing else before leaving the house, always make sure your nails are painted and you have applied a fresh coat of lipstick.

Each book written by Savannah Rose contains memories and lessons from her childhood. She looks back on those days with sadness for those who have passed on, but she also holds great appreciation for the guidance she received. She continues to live in Alabama with her loving husband, children, and grandchildren.