Amandine St. Honore Chef-Detective Stories. Nice, France

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About the author

Alain Braux

Alain Braux is an award-winning Executive Chef and Nutrition Therapist. He’s also an best-selling and award-winning food and health author. Chef Braux is also a food and health consultant, a speaker and panelist on food allergies, Paleo and anti-GMO issues.
Chef Alain is the co-host on the podcast, the Low Carb Paleo Show and the food and health contributor to the Low Carb Magazine, Hip4Kids Magazine, Healthy Organic Women Stuffed Pepper, CNN iReports and Food Solutions Magazine.
Alain Braux is an expert in food allergies diets and the author of multiple award-winning food and health books. “How to Lower your Cholesterol with French Gourmet Food”, “Living Gluten and Dairy-Free with French Gourmet Food”, “Healthy French Cuisine for Less Than $10/Day” and most recently “Paleo French Cuisine”. Chef Braux upcoming book is titled: GMO 101. A Practical Guide.

Alain Braux is the Executive Chef and Culinary Nutritionist at A Votre Santé – To Your Health Nutritional Services, a health food consulting private practice. Chef Braux provides customized food plans for a wide assortment of food allergies: Gluten-free, Dairy-free, Sugar-free, Paleo, Vegetarian and Vegan.  He has helped clients with Celiac, Autism, ADD/ADHD, Diabetes, Crohns’ disease, IBS and other diseases. Chef Braux is also an expert in GMO issues.
See my Media Page or you can also find him on Facebook, LinkedIn, Google+ and Twitter.