Believe in Yourself Bedtime Adventures: Kids can’t sleep? Let cows, kookaburras, the Loch Ness Monster, and dogs teach kids to sleep and feel great about themselves, all in one night! It’s wacky fun!

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About the author

Monty Raymond

Monty Raymond was born in Hampshire, England. After completing a post-graduate Creative Arts degree, he wrote scripts for children’s television programs in Australia and wrote several short and feature film scripts. He also wrote articles for magazines and has written children’s story books. In 2015 and 2019, Monty went to Los Angeles to attend master classes with eminent writers such as Michael Hauge, Steve Kaplan and Linda Seger. While there, he also met several producers to pitch his novel tie-in and feature film script Life and Music. He now manages Corgipaw Films and  Books in Australia.