About the author

Dana Bowen & Chloe Brogan

<p>Dana and Chloe grew up in rural Ohio, and sparked a close friendship in the summer of 2019.&#160;When the Pandemic hit in 2020 they saw it as an opportunity to be adventurous. As two young moms, they&#160;spent&#160;months finding creative outlets through baking and art, but they were running out of things to do. So,&#160;when Dana came to Chloe one Friday over coffee and suggested they write a book &#8212; it seemed like the next logical step in their endeavors to use their time at home to pursue something they'd always dreamed of doing. The two discovered quickly that they made a great pair, and the story spun itself together almost overnight. The pair plan to keep up the momentum as Indie Authors, exploring all subgenres of romance in their coming stories.&#160;</p>