About the author

Finnian Burnett

<p>Finnian Burnett's work often explores the intersections of the human body, mental health, and gender identity. They are a finalist in the 2023 CBC nonfiction prize and a 2024 Pushcart nominee. They hold a doctoral degree in English Pedagogy, particularly using story-based pedagogy to create equity in multicultural classrooms. Under their former name, they published several novels with Sapphire Books Publishing, including two rainbow award winners, and a Writer's Digest <em>first place in fantasy </em>self-published book called <em>Coyote Ate the Stars</em>. They have also published a how-to book for beginning novelists through Night River Press, along with several YouTube videos on the topic in a collaborative effort with their friend and colleague, Kimberly Cooper Griffin. Finnian lives in beautiful British Columbia with their wife.</p>