About the author

David Diaz Rodriguez

<p><!--StartFragment-->A blend of two worlds, David Diaz Rodriguez was born in the Dominican Republic. He lived there the first chapter of his life before moving permanently into the United States. He began his career as a writer when he was just 19. An editor from Caracas was then visiting his homeland. They had a casual conversation and as the chat progressed the editor discovered that the young writer had already a manuscript. Soon David embarked on a journey to Venezuela and published his first book. Three years later, just after his arrival to the US, David published two more books; one of them his first novel. But it was after the year 2010 that his name was really known, when he published La esencia del silencio, a best seller in amazon, ranking #1 for more than 3 months in 3 categories.<br /> <br /> Titles published by author:<br /> Cambia tus creencias<br /> Los aforismos de don Jos&eacute; - Novel<br /> Vida, creatividad y destino<br /> La esencia del silencio<br /> Vivir de mil maneras<br /> Cuando la vida fue maravillosa - Novel<br /> Zen 2.0 - A journey into inner silence <!--EndFragment--></p>