Andy Graham is a British author currently living in the Czech Republic who will now stop talking about himself in the third person because it's odd.<br><br>I have two main collections of books: The Misrule is a series of dystopian political thrillers set in an alternate world based on life in 21st century EU/ US. I also have an expanding collection of dark fiction tales that explore the creepier side of life, death and the undead.<br><br>There are a few unfinished stories rattling around in my hard-drive and some unstarted ones knocking around in my head. They range from disposable airport fiction and YA sci fi to grimdark epics, but they will have to wait their turn. (Unfortunately for my wife, who is waiting for me to write something 'nice', preferably with sparkly vampires.)<br><br>Outside of reading and writing, I'm a musician, qualified osteopath, seasoned insomniac, and father to two young kids who have too much energy to let me grow old gracefully.<br>