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About the author
<p>Von Cook likes to refer to herself as a follower of Jesus the Christ. She grew up Christian and went to Catholic/Christian schools, but swayed from her upbringing to find the God that Jesus referred to as, <em>Father.</em> With so many questions unanswered, and not seeing Christ in Christians, Von took a liking to the occult.</p><p>Von spent over 20 years practicing Wicca. It was during this practice, filled with spells, rituals and chants where she decided to go to Bible College. Within three years, she graduated earning her ministerial degree, but something was still missing. Von knew that the Bible was much stronger than any magic and one afternoon she came across a book on <em>spiritual warfare</em>.</p><p>During the year of studying spiritual warfare, Von discovered that the<em> Father</em> wasn't as far away as she imagined him to be. For she was always practicing spiritual warfare just not Biblical Godly warfare. It was after this discovery, Von knew that being a follower of Jesus the Christ was the one and only path for her; not to become religious, but to have a close relationship with the Father.</p><p>“<em>I had to line up my thoughts and mouth with the word of God,</em>” Von says.</p><p>With everything rapidly changing in the world today, her blog, The Cook Reader Files offers insights and instructions on spiritual warfare; along with basic instructions on how to walk in your God-given authority while experiencing much joy.</p><p>Von took to heart <em>Matthew 6:33</em>, <em>“Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness...” </em>As a result, she is therefore known by her family and friends as a “seeker”. Von believes there is more to the Bible than what is being taught in most churches around the world today, and it is up to us to seek those answers in order to have a close relationship with the Father.</p><p>Von believes the main reasons why many are leaving the Christian faith is, the power of the Holy Spirit is not being shown, but rather the power of darkness is manifesting greatly; and... it's hard to find Christ in Christians. Hence, these reasons, Von decided to be the Christian — she wanted to see.</p>