About the author

Ruby Gumbi-Edwards

<p>About the Author</p><p>As a little girl I was trained as a gymnast by my Father.</p><p>A Personal Trainer, Marshal&#160;Arts and Gymnastics Coach.</p><p>There was one thing my Father was super strict about &#8230;my diet.</p><p>He would say &#8230;&#8221;<em>never ever forget&#160;&#8230;you are what you eat</em> !&#8221;</p><p/><p>It&#8217;s one of the most important&#160;lessons I ever learnt.</p><p/><p>Ruby Gumbi-Edwards was born in South Africa where she was educated.</p><p/><p>After her studies, Ruby embarked on a successful career in the corporate world of Banking, HR and Marketing. After meeting her husband, she joined the film industry as a Producer.</p><p/><p>When she settled with her husband in London, she transitioned into the art industry, following her bliss, she worked</p><p>for prominent artists as a photography colourist, archivist, buyer and curator.</p><p>Driven by her innate desire to inspire and empower others to live healthy and fulfilling lives, Ruby continues to be a beacon of inspiration,</p><p>sharing her expertise and passion for holistic wellness through personal training and sharing her knowledge on online platforms.</p><p>Today, Ruby Gumbi-Edwards continues to be a beacon of inspiration, sharing her expertise and passion for holistic wellness through personal training and sharing her knowledge on online platforms.</p><quillbot-extension-portal/>