About the author

Kiki Petrosino

<p><strong>Kiki Petrosino</strong> is the author of three&#160;books of poetry: <em>Hymn for the Black Terrific</em> (2013), <em>Fort Red Border</em> (2009), and <em>Witch Wife&#160;</em>(2017), all&#160;from Sarabande Books. She holds graduate degrees from the University of Chicago and the University of Iowa Writer&#8217;s Workshop. Her poems have appeared in <em>Best American Poetry, The New York Times, FENCE, Gulf Coast, Jubilat, Tin House,</em> and elsewhere. She is founder and co-editor of <em>Transom</em>, an independent online poetry journal. She is an Associate Professor of English at the University of Louisville, where she directs the Creative Writing Program.</p>