About the author

Hector Bonilla

<p>Who.Is.H.B?</p>&#13; &#13; <p>We must be talking about lunatics! Yeah, who in the heck is Hector Bonilla? No one. A former alcoholic. A former criminal. A homeless man.</p>&#13; &#13; <p>Thank you for enduring Nibitory<em>. </em>And don&#8217;t you worry none: &#8216;mother fee-sucker&#8217; means just that, the mother of all fee-suckers. And you already know what a fee is: Those that go around charging &#8216;fees&#8217; for services that shall be free, like science, medicine, government, and law enforcement among many others, are the true mother fee-suckers of this universe!</p>&#13; &#13; <p>And please don&#8217;t! Do not tell us that if you don&#8217;t work you starve. Well, yes, on this society. But not if we ever were to have the <em>I See U 24/7 </em>no-money-needed concept from this author.</p>&#13; &#13; <p>But, of course, the fee-suckers are only part of the problem. The real culprit is the monetary system. And, if your mind is still cloudy concerning our Nibitory ideas, here&#8217;s the deal: The Elohim (The Enuma Elish Epic of Creation) and youtuber videographer SunsFlare (Breaking - Unidentified Object SUN! March 11, 2012 - YouTube) have somehow teamed up to show that our solar system could be a self-sustained living organism:</p>&#13; &#13; <p>https://youtu.be/bveZA9sBcVQ</p>&#13; &#13; <p/>