About the author

A.C. Cargill

A.C. Cargill grew up in the Midwest watching such TV shows as <em>Twilight Zone</em>, <em>The Outer Limits</em>, and <em>Columbo</em>, and reading the works of Jules Verne, H.G. Wells, Isaac Asimov, and J.R.R. Tolkien. Their influence is seen clearly in her writing. She has a B.A. in English literature and philosophy, emphasizing philosophical ideas in her plots and characters. She spent forty-six years writing and editing for various companies, including the IT sector, while pursuing her interest in drawing, painting, and graphic and website design. She has lived and worked in a variety of places, including Silicon Valley, Washington, DC, and Europe. Now she has settled back in the Midwest with her husband, enjoying small town life and writing up a storm.<br>