Also by Patti Larsen...
Alice Moore Paranormal Cozy Mysteries
Blood and Gold
Canary Key Cozy Mysteries
Covenant Of All Hallow Paranormal Cozies
Daisy Bruce Cozy Mysteries
Delaine Baker Cozy Mysteries
Didi and the Gunslinger
Elora Tune: Bard at Large Fantasy Cozies
Finders Keepers Cozy Mysteries
Fiona Fleming Cozy Mysteries
Fleming Investigations Cozy Mysteries
For Whom the Bell Tolls Paranormal Cozies
Guardians of the Edge
Hayle Coven Inheritance
Her Heart Reborn
Kit MacLean
Lychos Cycle
Masquerade Inc. Cozy Mysteries
Megalopolitan Earth
Other books by Patti Larsen
Patti Larsen Books First in Series Collection
Persephone Pringle Cozy Mysteries
Phoebe Monday Paranormal Cozies
The Adventures of Susan and Tucker
The Clone Chronicles
The Diamond City Trilogy
The Eternal Daughter
The First Plane Trilogy
The Hayle Coven Destinies
The Hayle Coven Enforcer
The Hayle Coven Novels
The Hunted
The Lovely Witches Club
The Nightshade Cases
Whitewitch Island Paranormal Cozies
Wicked Witch Case Files