About the author

Doug Pountain

Hello, its great to meet you. I live with my wife in a small village in Leicestershire, England, and where we walk the tow paths of the many canals in our area. But wherever we are, countryside or city, there is always the opportunity to find situations or people that can be adapted for a storyline. It was always difficult for me to find the time to write when I was working, but now I am retired I can fill my day with so many words, with so many meanings. I have always considered my style of writing to be that of a story teller with everyday characters who a reader can associate with, and I hope that you find my books entertaining. Reviews are the life blood of authors, and if you have enjoyed reading this book, then I would appreciate a few moments of your time to leave me review. I greatly enjoy a direct contact with my readers, and I can be found at https://facebook.com/dougpountain or by email at, dougpountain@yahoo.com<br>I wish you all happy reading as I make myself a cup of tea and begin writing.<br>Take care, Doug Pountain.