About the author

Annie Appleton

I’m Annie Appleton, author of cosy mysteries with a twist. &nbsp;<br><br>​​​​​​​​​​​​​​My books blend my love for mysteries, animals and the slightly surreal in a humorous style. I realise there are talking rats in my books, but I firmly believe in my reader’s ability to suspend their disbelieve.<br><br>​​​​​​​I love cats, baking and reading mysteries. I’ve also done my fair share of knitting. Besides that I have spent nine months of my life working on containerships and many a night looking at the sky in search for the International Space Station.<br><br>​​​​​​​In 2004, I was lucky enough to move to the English city of York, where I ended up in a close-knit, but vibrant community. I soon fit in, thanks to a part-time job at the local deli and an allotment society vegetable plot. I’m now back in my native Netherlands, where I live with my three little rats, a garden that’s occasionally full of weeds and a pond filled with frogs and newts.<br><br>​​​​​​​Having written two non-fiction books about York, I’m is now using my time in York as inspiration for my cosy mystery books.<br>​​​​​​​The first series centres around Jacob Hicks, local physics teacher and generally regarded as the ‘village idiot’, and Paddy the Rat, observer of all things human.<br><br>​​​​​​​You can read more about me and my books on: www.annieappletonwriter.com<br><br>