About the author

Chad Stambaugh

<p>Chad Stambaugh is a Fiction and Non-Fiction author. A Business Owner during the day. Chad is also a Paranormal Investigator and full-time writer. He&#39;s spent the last decade reading all kinds of books and writing blogs about the paranormal. His latest novel, The Devil Within is his first fiction novel after writing predominately non-fiction.<br> <br> Chad Stambaugh is a 4-time Paranormal Award Winner. Non-Fiction Book: Paranormal Investigations, 2013; Non-Fiction Book: The Paranormal Dictionary, 2014; Paranormal Radio Show of the Year; 2015, Non-Fiction Book: Beyond the Veil, 2015, The IPPA Award: International Paranormal Acknowledgement Award. (Only the second American to ever win the Award.) He&#39;s also had one of his short stories; &quot;Everyone Hates the Grays.&quot; Published in Portable Magic; The Authors First Anthology book.<br> <br> Chad started his writing career in 2012 by chance. He was looking for a way to teach others how to do Paranormal Investigations. Which led him to writing his first Non-Fiction novel, Paranormal Investigations. He lives in Fresno, Ca and has three children and 3 grandchildren.&nbsp;</p>