About the author

Empress Chang

Writing under the pen name Empress Chang, she is referred to as an overly dramatic, outgoing yet shy individual by her friends and family.&nbsp; Half Chinese Jamaican, Chang was born and raised in Jamaica.&nbsp;She then migrated to the United States of America, three years ago where she is still scared of driving on the other side of the road! <br> Writing stories about her dogs and princesses at a young age, Chang discovered romance books in high school and started writing her own believing that romantic happy ever afters are necessary for a healthy and happy life. <br> She is a huge believer in the simple things in life, and her life’s main goal is to be happy. This includes sunny beaches and junk food (of course)! <br> When Chang is not writing, she is usually reading, watching a series that has hooked her attention and demands to be binged, or is spending time with her supportive, loving husband