About the author

William A. Gray, Ph.D.

<p><strong>William A. Gray, Ph.D.</strong></p><p><strong>President of Mentoring Solutions&#174;</strong></p><p>After earning a B.A. and M.Ed. from the University of Virginia, and a Ph.D. from the University of Texas, I immigrated to Canada in 1970 at the suggestion of my major professor and mentor, who was from British Columbia. For the next 15 years I taught at the University of British Columbia, where I first began developing formalized mentoring programs.</p><p/><p>Seeing the benefits that carefully planned mentoring produced for proteges, mentors and the sponsoring organization, I left academia in 1986 to devote myself full-time to developing mentoring programs [along with my wife and business partner, Marilynne Miles Gray]. Together, we organized and sponsored the First International Conference on Mentoring (held in Vancouver, July 1986), and for the next six years published the only journal on mentoring &#8211; called <em>Mentoring International</em>.</p><p/><p>I have trained over 20,000 mentor-protege partners to work together, using Gray's Mentor-Protege Relationship Model&#8482; and materials we especially developed, such as the <em>Mentoring Compatibility Indicator&#8482;, Mentoring Style Indicator&#8482;</em>, <em>Mentoring Action Plan&#8482;</em>, <em>Mentoring Agreement&#8482;,</em> and <em>Protege Needs Inventory&#8482;.</em>&#160; Over 150 organizations have asked me to help them custom develop different kinds of mentoring programs for a wide variety of proteges and purposes; these organizations include companies, government agencies, colleges and universities, and school systems.</p><p/><p><strong>Email:</strong> wgray@mentoring-solutions.com</p><p>Visit our <strong>website</strong>: http://www.mentoring-solutions.com</p>