About the author

JG Koratzanis

<p>JG Koratzanis was born in Brooklyn and raised in Staten Island, NY. He is a fiction author and novelist, writing within the fringes of dark fantasy and horror genres. His approach to writing is fast and furious, leaving little room to breathe.</p><p>His stories, though dark and suspensful thirllers, are all designed to keep your pulse pounding and your eyes racing. When he is not intriguing readers with his works, he is most likely imagining the darkness that lurks in the shadows of the human psyche.</p><p>Except around his daughter. The queen does not like anything more sinister than Disney Jr.</p><p>JG&rsquo;s books are a mixture of fantasy, action, and the human experience. If you&rsquo;re looking for a good place to start, take a look at his first novel&nbsp;<em>Repentant</em>, available now.</p><p>You can grab copies in ebook or paperback formats (sorry, no hardbacks yet). To get an email whenever the author releases a new title, sign up for his newsletter by filling out the form above.</p>