About the author

Linda Townsdin

<p><strong>Linda Townsdin</strong> writes the <em>Spirit Lake Mystery</em> series inspired by her childhood in northern Minnesota. <em>Focused on Murder</em> (2014), <strong><em>Close Up on Murder (2015), and</em></strong> <em>Blow Up on Murder (2017) </em>have been called &ldquo;complex murder mysteries with bone-chilling thrills and a little bit of romance.&rdquo;</p><p>Townsdin worked for years in communications for nonprofit and corporate organizations, most recently as writer/editor for&nbsp;a national criminal justice consortium. Townsdin&rsquo;s work included editorial and marketing assistance in projects involving cybercrime, tribal justice and other public safety issues.</p><p>In addition to mysteries, her short stories have been published in several anthologies. A member of Sisters in Crime, She Writes, Mystery Must Advertise and Amherst Writers &amp; Artists (AWA), she co-chaired the <em>2017 Capitol Crimes Anthology</em>. Townsdin lives in California.</p>