About the author

Margaretha Montagu

Reading is one of my all-time favourite things. I mostly read historical mysteries – don’t you just love that feeling of so completely losing yourself in a book that when you stop reading you feel bereft? I also read non-fiction, mostly self-help books. I am always looking for new strategies that I can use to help the participants of my equine-facilitated personal empowerment workshops here in the south of France. Of course, being convinced that equine-assisted experiential learning is the next best thing to sliced bread, I also read a lot about that.<br><br>A few years ago, the writing bug got me. I loved writing right from writing the very first (very badly written) blog post. Eventually, I thought that it may well be an idea to write a book or two based on the knowledge and experience I had acquired by presenting my workshops and reading all those self-improvement books. Obviously, I didn’t just want to repeat what had already been written much more eloquently than I could ever manage. So I started writing from my own experience of living in France, owning and caring for horses, fighting the ever-present threat of losing my sight and presenting my workshops.<br><br>I warn you now, I am no best-selling author (yet!) but I poured my heart and soul into each book. It is important to me that my book makes a difference to your life – for the better. Admittedly, the money I earn by selling books is useful too, it allows me to buy the horses the few luxuries that they insist on.&nbsp;<br><br>Please feel free to buy as many of my books as you want and if you are not ready to buy, please subscribe to my blog at EquineGuidedGrowth.com so that I can let you know of new book releases and when there are last minute discounts on my Connect with Horses workshops. I am also on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Youtube, Pinterest and LinkedIn as Margaretha Montagu.&nbsp;<br><br>You can "Follow" this author page for information about further book publications.