About the author

Mina Chara

<p>Mina Chara is an artist as well as an author and is presently studying for a Bachelor's degree in design with creative writing.&#160;</p>&#13; &#13; <p>&#160;She doesn't like dark gritty superhero movies or tales of the dystopian future. Her ambition is to help her parents retire and one day buy her mother a smart car like she always wanted. When not studying she designs book covers and other art work.&#160;</p>&#13; &#13; <p>In her spare time Mina enjoys Wing Chun kung fu, is a huge fan of The Great British Bake-off and Critical Roll and enjoys playing desktop role&#160;playing games like Dungoen World and DnD.&#160; Rarely seen without her trusty ipad to draw on, she lives in New Hampshire with her family, including a very large Gt. Pyrenee called Gwynne.&#160;</p>