About the author

Joanne Sexton

<p>Joanne Sexton is an Australian romance writer and mother of two. Reading is her first passion after writing, then music, floristry and movies. Her children keep her busy but she always finds time for her passions. A writer and reader of romance.<br> <br> Joanne previously wrote under the name Joanne Ellis. Rich Girl (formally known as Spoilt under Joanne Ellis) held the No. 1 position on an Amazon&#39;s Bestselling list in US and No.2 in the UK.&nbsp;<br> <br> You can find Joanne on FB - https://www.facebook.com/josextonwritesromance/<br> On Twitter - @jowritesromance and Instagram @jo_writesromance<br> Website: https://www.josextonbooks.com/<br> <br> You can subscribe for updates, newsletters and one free ebook here: https://mailchi.mp/a047fb97f0ef/books-by-joanne-sexton</p>