About the author

Gavin Reese

Gavin Reese grew up in the rural American Southwest and eventually moved to the Big City with his family. He considers both New Mexico and Arizona “home.” Citing his parents and grandparents as tremendous, motivating role models, Gavin felt an intense call to service and had planned on joining the military after college. Despite having worn his university’s uniform on the playing field and running half-marathons for fun, childhood medical issues prevented him from serving in that capacity. After two lifelong friends became patrol cops, they had Gavin out for a few ride-alongs, and he started the prolonged application process to join them.<br><br>Since completing the police academy and field training, Gavin enjoyed incredible success, and a lot of luck, in acquiring a diverse range of training and experiences that allowed him to be truly effective in almost every situation and service call. As a Jack of All Trades, Gavin’s course- and case-work in high-risk police operations includes street-level narcotics, combat medical care, international drug trafficking, organized crime syndicates, S.W.A.T. operations, human smuggling, outlaw motorcycle gang investigations, prostitution and sex trafficking, witness protection, hazardous materials incident response, radiation and nuclear terrorism, post-blast explosives investigations, and Dark Web smuggling operations. Before retiring from active law enforcement, Gavin comforted the dying, talked dozens out of suicide, and saved domestic abuse victims from their assailants. He’s taken child rapists, murderers, and human traffickers into custody, and Gavin’s had the distinct honor of protecting visiting foreign royalty and national American political figures from both sides of the aisle. He’s been trained by a variety of Special Forces operators, as well as those who trained them. Several of his friends and colleagues have been murdered or killed, and he’s occasionally been tasked to pursue those responsible.<br><br>​​​​​​​Despite yesterday’s successes, Gavin wakes up and dons his gun and badge with the sincere hope to again make a positive difference in the lives around him. Someday, he might save enough strangers that they, in turn, will collectively save him. When not donating his time to crime victims, first responders, and veterans’ groups, Gavin tries to relax with his family. He can frequently be found outdoors and involved in what his wife calls “reindeer games.” With a love of practical jokes and the long-con, Gavin’s been an accused, and occasionally confirmed, shenaniganator for most of his life. He summits tall mountains, swims in deep oceans, brews mediocre beer, and has a strong opinion on the Oxford comma. His curiosity about the world and the peoples and cultures within it have inspired a love of travel, spontaneous adventure, and lifelong learning. Gavin's greatest blessings are his mother and his wife, and he wakes each morning grateful they continue to play along.<br><br>​​​​​​​A portion of all Gavin’s sales is donated to charities that serve law enforcement professionals, their families and heirs, and honor the memory of our Fallen Heroes.<br>