About the author

Paula Offutt

Paula Offutt lives in the mountains of western North Carolina. She and her partner share an old house with dogs, cats, and a pot smoking moth in the attic. Paula believes that humor is what makes the world go 'round, although love is a close second. She surrounds herself with as much of both as she can. <br> Her first novel, a romance titled <em>Butch Girls Can Fix Anything</em>, won a 2008 Golden Crown Literary Society's award for Debut Author. After six years of the dreaded "writer's block", Paula began writing seriously again. Her second novel <em>To Sleep, Book One of the Soliloquy </em>was a finalist for a 2014 GCLS award in the Science Fiction/Fantasy category. Her third novel, <em>To Dream, Book Two of the Soliloquy</em>, was a finalist for a 2016 GCLS award in the Science Fiction/Fantasy category. <br> Visit her website for information on current and past projects she is actively working on or, quite possibly, actively avoiding. https://paulaoffutt.com <br>