About the author

Nathan Pedde

<p>Nathan Pedde was born in central British Columbia, Canada. He was apparently a relative many times removed of the Brothers Grimm. Living on Vancouver Island, he has a wife and two kids. His wife does the cover art, and he works with his kids to work on Middle-Grade Fiction series.&nbsp;<br /> <br /> Nathan began writing in the seventh grade writing an illustrated fairy-tale. He dabbled in it during High School, and started writing in college. Life got in the way, and now fifteen years after high school, the serious writing began.&nbsp;<br /> <br /> He has many novels written, and some of them are publishable. He plans on Indie publishing them as he fixes them up.&nbsp;<br /> <br /> You can find him at his website at www.Peddehouse.com where he has a blog and where he posts when he releases new books.</p>