About the author

Rudolf I. Malle

<p>Born, raised, and educated in Cameroon, Rudolf Itor Malle is not just another American immigrant story, but he is "The American Success Story with distinction." Rudolf quickly entered into entrepreneurship after earning a Bachelor's degree in business management. Rudolf has been involved in numerous entrepreneurial ventures, including website content creation, graphics designs, business consulting, startups, and angel investing &#8211; he is one of the founding members of Angel and Entrepreneurs, led by Niel Patel. After multiple years in the medical field, Rudolf went to earn a Master's degree in Medical Research from Drexel School of Medicine. Rudolf discovered his love for teaching, coaching, and training his team members amid his thriving medical research career. Rudolf has always been a prolific reader from his early age; he has read and listened to over 80 books from different genres, including medical textbooks, psychology, music, history, the ancient empire, romance, and business, over the last 5years. Rudolf decided to initiate a new phase of his professional life as a book writer. His groundbreaking works include Getting Motivated for Success, The Secret to Affiliate Marketing, Building your tribe, and currently Dark Psychology. Rudolf is enjoying his newfound love of writing and book publishing. He is assuring his readers that he has many more works to unfold.</p>