About the author

L. S. King

L.S. King worked as a submissions editor and a copy editor on several science fiction and fantasy magazines, authored a column for new writers, and was a founding editor of the online magazine,&nbsp;<em>Ray Gun Revival</em>, now on hiatus. She does local writing workshops and currently hosts a fiction writing support group online.<br><br>Her short stories have been included in two anthologies of the best short stories and poetry from Double-Edged Publishing, and also in Inkd Publishing's&nbsp;<em>Hidden Villains</em>. Various online magazines have published her stories including&nbsp;<em>Deep Magic</em>,&nbsp;<em>The Sword Review</em>,&nbsp;<em>Dragons, Knights &amp; Angels</em>,&nbsp;<em>Digital Dragon Magazine</em>, and&nbsp;<em>Residential Aliens</em>. The fact that several of the publications which have released her stories are now defunct has nothing to do with her. <br>​​​​​​​Honest.<br>