About the author

BC Flyers2016

Mr and Mrs BCflyer's have been married 26 years, raised 4 wonderful children, owned and operated over 30 companies! They journeyed from Seminary Degrees, pastoring a church, into entrepreneurship and on to exploring non-monogamy.<br>Both are avid readers, motorcycle riders, pilots, scuba divers, podcasters, and online personalities. Active in the day to day running of a business consulting and accounting firm, Mr. and Mrs. write, podcast, and live stream in their "free" time!<br>Currently residing in Tulsa, OK, the couple enjoy summers on the lake, winters in a cigar bar, travel, and meeting others!<br>Their first book, Good O'le Chicago begins the story of the explorations of Ashley and Erick. Several books are expected in this series: Ashley and Erick: Short Smut Series.<br>With a few books published, the couple are actively engaged in writing.&nbsp; Coming soon:&nbsp; a novel, Spicy Asian Persuasion, as part of the series: Erick and Ashley: Novel Series, saving the "fun" side for their Short Smut Books!